Protein Powder and It’s Different Types

Protein powder is a must for many health-conscious people around the globe. There is an endless number of protein sources, and so are the type of protein powders available in the market. Among such an infinite variety of protein powders, it might be challenging to choose one suitable type. Protein powder is a concentrated and abundant source of pure protein. The source of this protein may differ; it may be animal or plant-based. There are three common forms of protein powders, in which the concentration of protein content differs slightly. A protein concentrate contains 60-80% of protein, whereas protein isolates contain 90-95% of protein. There is also protein hydroxylates, which are further processed form of protein. All of these tend to raise the insulin level and helps in muscular growth in the body.

The best types of protein powder available in the market

There are plenty of protein powders available in the market, all of which differ in their source. The most demanding out of these are Whey protein powder, which is derived from milk. Casein protein is also a variety derived from milk. Both these protein powders are highly beneficial where casein protein gets dissolved very slowly. These are the best options for vegan people. Apart from these, there are egg protein powders, which are rich sources of different amino acids as well. This variety of protein powder is, however, a less potential choice.


There are also plant-based protein powders like pea protein powder and hemp protein powder. The former is rich in plant fibers and the latter in omega-3 fatty acids. Another inferior alternative to whey protein is rice protein powderIt is an excellent choice for people who are allergic to lactose. In spite of containing all the essential amino acids, rice protein powder is low in lysine content, which makes it less potent. There are also various other mixed-plant protein powders with delicious taste, available in the market. These protein powder supplements are easy to mix and ready to ready.


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